
quarta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2014

Pagamentos com cheque

Problem example:
One of our external system generated (non SAP) thousands of Invoices by mistake in our SAP system (production). Our automatic payment program (batch job) generated around 800 checks and printed. We want to void all these checks and cancel all the invoices related to these checks. I did not find-out any transaction in SAP to do mass void of checks. I mean to void a range of checks or multiple ranges of checks. 
We use F110 with new variant (Print checks) to void a range of checks and reprint.  How to void range of checks with no reprinting?
Create a SAP Custom Program using t-code: FCH8 by doing a call-transaction in a loop.

FCH8 [FCH8 (Cancel Payment) does the void and reversal in one go. But only for one cheque – and they can loop thru and do this process].
This custom program should also generate a report of all the Checks that was VOIDED in this process - which will be needed for audits and SOX Compliance.
> After each VOID you need to do a call-transaction to 'FBRA' and reverse one by one - so that all check entries are reversed.
> Generate a final report and get approvals as needed. 

If you need to Reprint Checks with Old #

SAP - Reprinting a check with old number
Initiate t-code: FBZ5 
Enter: Doc No,Check lot no,etc
Go to menu Check & click on print, system will ask you for old check / New check , then click on Old Check Number.
ELSE Following is the detail process

1. Generate report from table of list of checks printed along with the serial #
2. Collate the checks & the report and manually VOID off each check.
3. Have a new ABAP Program to generate an email to all affected VENDORS and notify this payment delay.
4. Validate if the JOB that kicks off after payment (CHECK print run) has already kicked off & updated AP relevant tables and any other custom tables that have been created for payment updates & confirmations.
5. IF the AP tables have already been updated, then you need another program to handle reversal of entries - simultaneously generating a report of all entries that have been reversed (may be needed for revenue audits). [IF you don’t intend to use FBRA!].
You will need authorizations, access & basis connected here.
6. Now you need approval for another ABAP program, that can be used as STOP-GAP to do the check printing run, but with an option that this will be 'DUPLICATE' check. This is not a scheduled batch job.
ONCE this duplicate check printing & issue has been completed - then you can deactivate this program & maintain separately.
7. Once these checks are physically printed - management approval will be needed to do a physical mailing to the affected vendors.
Note: Based on management & vendor relationship - this check will normally include a delayed interest payment (based on negotiations).
8. Generate final check printed report.

Other Applicable T-codes:
FCH2 - Display Payment Document Checks
FCH3 - Void Checks
FCH5 - Create Check Information
FCH7 - Reprint Check
FCH8 - Reverse Check Payment
FCH9 - Void Issued Checks
FCHU - Create reference for check from payment doc (will be needed for bank recon)
FCHB - Check retrieval
FCHI - Check lot creation 
FCHD - Delete Payment Run Check Information
FCHE - Delete Voided Checks. 

by Allan Eduardo Favaron
SAP FI Consultant

Settings To Post To a Particular Vendor

I want to make an A/P entry but it says the vender HG12 doesn't exist.
Where are the necessary settings so that I can post to that particular vendor.

You need to maintained the following settings before you can post: 

1. Creation of Vendor Account Groups(OBD3) 
2. Create Number Ranges For Vendor Account Group(XKN1) 
3. Assign Number Ranges For Vendor Account Group(OBAS) 
4. Define Tolerance Groups For Vendor/Customer Groups(OBA3) 
5. Creation of Sundry Creiditors Accounts(FS00) 
6. Creation of Vendor Master(XK01) 
7. Define Number Ranges For Postings(FBN1)

How to resolve this error, while making a payment to vendor.  I have invoice amount document credit to vendor and debit adjustment document as debit to vendor, its not allowing for net off , getting the error has "Enter a payment method for incoming payments".
You can do any of the following: 

1. Delete the existing payment proposal.  Clear the debit, credit by offsetting which will create a new net due document. Then run F110.

2. Delete the existing payment proposal. Configure and incoming payment method for the company code and then run F110. 

by Allan Eduardo Favaron
SAP FI Consultant

Documentos e cálculo de juros

How to create recurring document template? 

How to run recurring document and what date should normally put to run it and what are the steps for Interest Calculations?
For Recurring document template you can use the following T.Codes:

FBD1 - Creation of recurring document
FBD2 - Change recurring document (This is for changing of amount and recurring periods)
FBD3 - Display recurring document
F.14 - Posting of recurring document
F.15 - Display of recurring document 

For Diff. run schedule recurring documents you can use this T.Codes:

OBC1 - Creation of Diff. Run schedule Recurring document
OBC2 - Enter run dates for Recurring document
F.14 & F.15 - steps are same 

Steps For Interest Calculation you can use this following T.Codes: 

OB59 - Define valuation method
OBA1 - Preapare automatinc postings for foreign currency valuation
FS00 - Assign exchange rate different key in loan a/c
F.05 - Foreign currencty revaluation
OBAA - Prepare account balance interest calculation
OBAc - Define reference interest rate
OB81 - Define time dependent terms
OB83 - Enter interest value
OBV2 - Assignmen of accounts for automatic
F.52 - Interest calculation

by Allan Eduardo Favaron 
SAP FI Consultant

Alterar parceiro comercial Em FB02

Have a requirement to assign trading partner for some posted documents to match debit and credit amounts in consolidation.  Tried using tcode FS00 and entered trading partner but changes are not found in table BSEG.
Have also tried through tcode SPRO but still unable to make the field change for posted document.
I cannot reverse the document and create a new one because I have to make changes for large number of posted documents.
For a posted document, you can no longer change the trading partner wrongly entered. For it to correct, you need to reverse posted document via FB08, then re-entry it again using correct trading partner.  

The field trading partner is not modifiable even if You try to make the right settings in transaction OB32 (Table TBAER). This is because the change may cause a lot of data inconsistencies as there are other applications involved . 

Please note that BSEG-VBUND is one of the important organizational fields which should be managed in the same manner as company code, business area etc. These organizational fields cannot/should not be changed at FB02 and consequently it's not possible to define VBUND in document change rule. 

Go to transaction SE11 - table BSEG and drill down on field VBUND and click on Where-used list button (you can see that this field is used in a lot of tables ).  This one of the main reason why field BSEG-VBUND is not modifiable. Unfortunately, if your field data for VBUND has been passed to SL or CO, it cannot be changed via document change FB02, as the change would not be passed to SL or CO and they would be out of sync with FI. 

In addition, the field VBUND also exists in table BSEGV, which would also prevent it from being changed even if not being passed to CO or SL. Therefore, if you make wrong entry in VBUND, it is necessary to REVERSE the document first and re-post with the correct VBUND information.
In the future, you can also use FI document validation to make sure the correct VBUND data is always entered.  

by Allan Eduardo Favaron
SAP FI Consultant

sexta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2014

Recurring Entry and Sample doc

Explain what is recurring entry & sample doc from basic point of end.
Sample Document:  It is a special type of reference document.  It does not update transaction figures.  Data from this document is used to create default entries on the accounting document entry screen.
Recurring Entry: A periodically recurring posting made by the recurring entry program on the basis of recurring entry original documents.

Recurring Entry Document: A document containing the fixed data for every recurring posting (for example -> posting key, -> account, -> amount…. These 3 never change).
You set up recurring entry documents for business transactions that occur on a regular basis, such as rental payments and insurance premiums.  

It does not update transaction figures. To store, system used number range "X1"
Cross Co-Code transaction cannot be posted with recurring entry program.   

Recurring Entry Program 
For postings that recur on a regular basis, such as payments for rent, interest, legal fees, property taxes, you can use the "Recurring Entry Program" to have the necessary documents generated automatically. 

(1) Create Recurring Entry Original document, It contains:
The date of the first & last posting 
The frequency at which the posting should be made
The date of the next planned posting  

(2) The Recurring Entry Program, must be run at regular intervals within a specified period.  The program selects all recurring entry original documents in which the date of the next posting falls within the specified period, and then generates a Batch Input Session.

(3) When the Session is processed, FI original document is posted. The date of the next posting is changed accordingly in the "Recurring Entry Original Doc". 
You can create recurring entries and execute at month end by using these t.codes.
- FBD1 - Create
- FBD2 - Change
- FBD3 - Display
- F.56 - Deleting Recurring entries
- F.15 - Executing for a period
- F.14 - Posting doc from recurring doc
- SM35 - Execute ur session 

by Allan Eduardo Favaron
SAP FI Consultant

domingo, 19 de outubro de 2014

Automatic Payment Program

1. Creation of House Bank: 
SPRO-Reference IMG-Financial Accounting-Bank Accounting – Bank Accounts – Define House Banks – FI12 

2. Creation of Cheques issue account in assets side with sort key 001 and FSV is G005 and assign house bank and bank account no.  

3. Creation of Cheque lots: 
SPRO-Reference IMG- Financial Accounting – AR/AP – Business Transactions – Outgoing payments – automatic outgoing payments – payment media – cheque management – Define no ranges for cheque management – FCHI 

4. Giving mini and max amounts to payment: 
SPRO-Reference IMG-Financial Accounting – AP/AR-Business Transactions – Outgoing payments – automatic outgoing payments program – payment methods/bank selection for payments program – set up all company codes for payment   transaction – T042 

5. Set up paying company code for payment transaction: 
SPRO-Reference IMG – Financial Accounting – AP/AR – Business Transactions – Outgoing payments – automatic outgoing payments program – payment method/Bank Selection for payment transactions – set up paying company codes for payment transactions – 042B  

6. Set up payment methods per country for payment transactions: 
SPRO – Reference IMG – Financial Accounting – AP/AR – Business Transactions – Outgoing payments – automatic outgoing payments – payment methods/bank selection for payment program – TO42ZL  

7. Set up payment methods per company code for payment transactions: 
SPRO – Reference IMG – Financial Accounting – AP/AR – Business Transactions – Outgoing payments – Automatic outgoing payments – Payment method/bank selection for payment program – set up payment methods per company code for payment transactions – T042E  

8. Set up bank determination for payment transactions: 
SPRO – Reference IMG – Financial Accounting – AP/AR – Business Transactions – Outgoing payments – automatic outgoing payments – payment method/bank selection for payment program – set up bank determination for payment transactions – BA NKDET  

9. Assign payment method to vendor Master record: 
SAP menu – Financial Accounting – AP – Master Records – Change – FK02  

10. Automatic payment program running: 
Sap Menu – Financial Accounting – Accounts Payable – Periodic processing – Payments – F110  

11. Running the app program: 
First give the parameters. Company code and payment method and next date. It means the next date the running the program. And go to additional log in that we need to select due date check, payment selection in all cases, line items of the payment documents and save it.  

Click on the schedule proposal,  next payment run in the last it has to display one generated and one completed. Next go to new session click on systems services and reporting in that give RFFOUS_C  

Then give the run rate, identification methods, company code, house bank, bank id, check lot no, and save it and then execute it. And come back f110 and give that identification in printout and save it.

by Allan Eduardo Favaron
SAP FI Consultant

SAP GR/IR - Questions and How to configure Automatic Clearing of GR/IR

1.  How do we post the FI transactions after doing MIGO?
     Does the Migo generate FI postings or do we manually do the posting.
     If we do it manually what is the T.Code to do it.

2.  How do we reverse an Invoice? 
     We go to miro and enter a credit memo.
     How do we post the reversal entry?

In SAP, the moment you save the MIGO transaction, it automatically generates FI document. It will create following entry:
    Raw Material Stock A/c    Dr
      To GR/IR Clearing A/c

In MIGO transaction itself, you can post Excise by choosing Capture and Post Excise Invoice. The FI document will be as follows:
    RG23A Basic Excise Duty A/c Dr
    RG23A Education Cess A/c Dr
       To CENVAT Clearing A/c

After doing MIGO, you execute MIRO. In this transaction also, SAP will generate FI document automatically. The entry will be as follows:-
     GR/IR Clearing A/c Dr
     CENVAT Clearing A/c Dr
     VAT Setoff A/c Dr
         To AP-Vendor A/c

Reversion of entry of material purchase can be in entered on rejection of material partially or wholly. In this case, you will have to raise a debit note on the vendor. But before raising debit note, you have to first ensure that the Invoice verification of the material (to be rejected) is complete at the time of purchase.
Purchase documents cannot be reversed directly like pure financial document entry. To reverse the material document,
following procedure should be followed.

   1) Create Return Delivery (MIGO)
   2) Reverse the Excise Duty Posted (J1IS)
   3) Raise the debit Note. (MIRO)                      

Cancel Invoice In MR8M
While cancelling invoice in mr8m, I'm getting a message that FI documents to be cancelled manually. What does this means? 
If the cancellation  / reversal of MIRO invoice is done through MR8M, only the MM invoice / documents gets reversed but the FI document will not be reversed or cancelled.
We have to follow the following procedure.
1. Goto T.Code MIRO
2. Select Credit Memo in the transaction field.
3. Fill up all the details in the fields for the invoice to be reversed.
4. Give the P.O. no
5. Select the line item to be reversed.
6. Simulate and save.

The impact will be as CR - GR/IR clearing a/c DR - Vendor a/c
By this procedure, the purchase order history in P.O. will also get updated and there is no requirement of any manual clearing. Only in the Vendor a/c, the DR. and CR should be knock off.         


1. Creation of House Bank: 
SPRO-Reference IMG-Financial Accounting-Bank Accounting – Bank Accounts – Define House Banks – FI12 

2. Creation of Cheques issue account in assets side with sort key 001 and FSV is G005 and assign house bank and bank account no.  

3. Creation of Cheque lots: 
SPRO-Reference IMG- Financial Accounting – AR/AP – Business Transactions – Outgoing payments – automatic outgoing payments – payment media – cheque management – Define no ranges for cheque management – FCHI 

4. Giving mini and max amounts to payment: 
SPRO-Reference IMG-Financial Accounting – AP/AR-Business Transactions – Outgoing payments – automatic outgoing payments program – payment methods/bank selection for payments program – set up all company codes for payment   transaction – T042 

5. Set up paying company code for payment transaction: 
SPRO-Reference IMG – Financial Accounting – AP/AR – Business Transactions – Outgoing payments – automatic outgoing payments program – payment method/Bank Selection for payment transactions – set up paying company codes for payment transactions – 042B  

6. Set up payment methods per country for payment transactions: 
SPRO – Reference IMG – Financial Accounting – AP/AR – Business Transactions – Outgoing payments – automatic outgoing payments – payment methods/bank selection for payment program – TO42ZL  

7. Set up payment methods per company code for payment transactions: 
SPRO – Reference IMG – Financial Accounting – AP/AR – Business Transactions – Outgoing payments – Automatic outgoing payments – Payment method/bank selection for payment program – set up payment methods per company code for payment transactions – T042E  

8. Set up bank determination for payment transactions: 
SPRO – Reference IMG – Financial Accounting – AP/AR – Business Transactions – Outgoing payments – automatic outgoing payments – payment method/bank selection for payment program – set up bank determination for payment transactions – BA NKDET  

9. Assign payment method to vendor Master record: 
SAP menu – Financial Accounting – AP – Master Records – Change – FK02  

10. Automatic payment program running: 
Sap Menu – Financial Accounting – Accounts Payable – Periodic processing – Payments – F110  

11. Running the app program: 
First give the parameters. Company code and payment method and next date. It means the next date the running the program. And go to additional log in that we need to select due date check, payment selection in all cases, line items of the payment documents and save it.  

Click on the schedule proposal,  next payment run in the last it has to display one generated and one completed. Next go to new session click on systems services and reporting in that give RFFOUS_C  

Then give the run rate, identification methods, company code, house bank, bank id, check lot no, and save it and then execute it. And come back F110 and give that identification in printout and save it.

by Allan Eduardo Favaron
SAP FI Consultant

quarta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2014

Cheque Payment

Note the follwoing functionality :
Cheque Voiding ( same as cheque cancellation as we call it ) 
FCH3 - For unused Cheques i.e. cheques that are not yet assigned to Payment docs.
FCH9 - For issued cheques i.e. cheques assigned to payment docs.
The above will only void the cheque and the payment doc will stand as it is. After voiding the cheque the related payment doc can be reassigned to a new cheque.
If you reverse a Payment document itself ( FB08 ) then the system will ask for a void reason if a cheque is already assigned. The voiding of cheque will be done automatically if you reverse the payment doc and enter a void reason code. You cannot reverse a payment doc that has been assigned a cheuqes unless you enter a void reason code.
There is a nother transaction available for Payment Cancellation - FCH8
The cheque that has been voided is blocked for further use. If you still want to use it you need to first delete the cheque information. T.Code FCHE.
Also cheque related t.codes in this aspect. related T.Codes start with FCH* and can be found in the Area Menu Cheque Information.


by Allan Eduardo Favaron
SAP FI Consultant

Teste seus conhecimentos! (Dados mestres de Fornecedores)

Teste seus conhecimentos!

1. Which statement is true? (Multi)
a. In Vendor master record it is possible to activate a check for duplicate invoice at doc entry
b. If you delete a vendor master record, data is automatically deleted on both chart of account level and co. code level.
c. Changes to vendor master records can only be displayed using central function.
d. You can block a vendor to prevent financial transaction postings for one co. code or for all co. codes.
e. Bank master data for vendor can only be created with in customizing.
2. Which of the following statement about one time account are correct?

a. Must use account group defined for one time vendor.
b. One time account group must use defined number range.

3. Which of the following about vendor transaction is correct? (Multi)
a. Vendor down payment is shown on balance sheet under normal reconciliation account for payables.
b. Special g/l transaction is one, which is included in spl purpose ledger under coding block in G/L account.
c. A vendor down payment request cannot be included in payment program to produce down payment.
d. A vendor down payment request is a noted item.
e. A vendor down payment is cleared after final invoice is received from vendor.
4. Which is correct?

a. Customer master is divided only by client level & co. code level.
b. In case of one time customer – customer address in entry.

5. Which is correct?
a. If a customer is also a vendor system includes outstanding account receivables invoice items in the payment program.
b. If a customer is also a vendor system includes outstanding account receivables invoice items in the clearing.

6. Which of the following statement affect creating customer master records are correct?
a. An account group gets assigned to customer
b. Co. code is always a reqd entry.
c. Account number may be assigned externally.


1) a, d
2) a, b
3) d, e
4) a, b
5) a, b
6) a, c

Posting, Clear and Payment

Posting occurs with many different types of documents.  It indicates that all sides of the FI entry are in balance.  Posting actually writes the document to the G/L. 
Payment on the other hand is the actual issuing of a check.  Payments can also be processed in accounts receivable.  

In that case, you are posting (updating your books to reflect) the receipt of a check from a customer and the deposit of said check in the bank.
Accounts payable is processing the money your company owes to a vendor for goods and services received.  Account Payable is a liability on the balance sheet. 
Accounts receivable is collecting the money that other companies/customers owe you.  It is an asset on the balance sheet.

SAP is integrated.  In most instances, there isn't a "link."  The transaction directly updates the tables involved.  There is a semi-severance between FI/Payment to allow checks to be issued even if there's a minor imbalance in the FI side of the posting. 
Asset depreciation and physical inventory are some example that don't update FI (CO/FM) as soon as the document is saved. 

Modules that appear in more than one place is caused by SAP trying to be flexible in where it places things on its menu, so that different users/companies find it easy to locate a given transaction within the confines of the module they work in.  This has become more pronounced since the change to role based authorization management.  That's why you can reach Create a 
requisition from 4 different pathways, why Project Systems is in both Logistics and FI, and why Travel Management is in both HR and FI.  

In some organizations, travel authorization and tracking is an HR function, in some it is an FI function. 

Difference between Clear and Payments
Apart from processing open items, what is the difference between:
1. Accounting-->FA-->AR-->Document entry-->Incoming payment > F-28 and 
2. Accounting-->FA-->AR-->Account-->Clear F-32 and the difference between F-53 and F-44 in AP.

When you post a transaction, you will get a Accounting document. If you are creating a payment document through F-53 or F-58 without linking the Accounting document, than we have to create a link between the accounting document and payment document and that can be done through F-32 (for GL) and F-44 (for AP). An good example is when we make down payment, a payment document is created. If we post the invoice, an accounting document is created. To clear this payment document and accounting document, F-44 is used. 

- F-28 will be used to make trasactions for income payments.
  Eg: If you receive from a customer by using above T code will be passed necessary entries.
- F-32 will used used for clear the Customer line items.
- F-53 will be used for making payments to vendors.
- F-44 will be used for clearing the Vendor Line items. 

by Allan Eduardo Favaron
SAP FI Consultant

Configure Data Medium Exchange for making payments

Configure Data Medium Exchange for making payments.

How can I configure the Data Medium Exchange for making payments? 
How can I link it to (F110) payment program & get the file MT100 to be sent to the bank?

When configuring the payment methods for the country (transaction OBVCU), choose the payment medium program as RFFOM100
From SE38, pls read the documentation for the program, which will give you the various options & the required config too. 
You would also need to configure the instructions keys as required. 
To generate the DME file, you have to run the automatic payment program with this payment method. 
After the payments have been successfully posted, you can go to DME administration and with the help of dme manager download files on your PC. 
SAP has determined that the standard print programs for automatic payments will no longer be supported, and will be replaced by transfer structures created by a tool called the DME Engine. 
This tool enables the business to create DME output files without ABAP development, and can be attached to a print program and form for the creation of Payment Advices. 
Outside of the DME Engine (DMEE), the majority of the configuration takes place within the following IMG menu path: 
IMG Path: Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Business Transactions -> Outgoing Payments -> Automatic Outgoing Payments -> Payment Media -> Make Settings for Payment Media Formats from Payment Medium Workbench  

Assign Selection Variants 
IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Business Transactions -> Outgoing Payments -> Automatic Outgoing Payments -> Payment Media -> Make Settings for Payment Medium Formats from Payment Medium Workbench -> Create / Assign Selection Variants or transaction OBPM4..select your format that you are using Check in FBZP config that all is linked.

Although this is bitty but you need to work through it!  

Start with FBZP, create all there than go to DMEE either to create your own format or use the standard ones.. than go to the menu path above and work through from create to assign... 

by Allan Eduardo Favaron
 SAP FI Consultant

Credit Management (Gestão de crédito)

FD10N - Display balances
FD11 - Analysis
FBL5N - Display/Change
Master data
FD32 - Change
F.34 - Mass Change
FD33 - Display
FD24 - Display changes
Credit management info system
F.31 - Overview
F.33 - Brief overview
F.32 - Missing data
FCV3 - Early warning list
FDK43 - Master data list
S_ALR_87012215 - Display changes to credit management
S_ALR_87012218 - Credit master sheet
FCV1 - Create A/R summary
FCV2 - Delete A/R summary
F.28 - Reset credit limit

SO01 - Mail/inbox
VKM1 - Blocked SD documents
Sales and Distribution Documents
VKM2 - Released
VKM4 - All
VKM3 - Sales document
VKM5 - Delivery
V.01 - Incomplete SD Documents
VA14L - Sales and distrib.documents blocked for delivery
VL06 - Deliveries
VF05 - Billing documents

by Allan Eduardo Favaron
SAP FI Consultant

Automatic Payment F110 x F111 (Pgto Automático)

What exactly the use of transaction code F111 is. The customizing for both F110 and F111 is through the same transaction FBZP? Is that correct or is there any different setting for F111?     
The following explains the difference between F110 and F111
F110 is used for payments of open invoices.
1. Can be used to pay open invoices in the customer and Vendor accounts.
2. Configuration of Bank determination should be done in FBZP. Other than Bank determination you configure other steps in FBZP for both F110 and F111. 
3. No need for payment request clearing account.
4. Use alpha (A to Z) as payment method. This is just a good practice to distinguish between them and is not a SAP requirement. 
F111 is used for payment of payment advices created through tcode F-59
1. Can be used to pay only payment requests created by modules like Treasury, In-House cash etc.
2. Configuration path for bank determination is - IMG - Financial accounting (new) - Bank Accounting - Business transaction - Payment transaction - Payment request and payment handling.
3. You need for payment request clearing account for each company code.
4. Use numbers (0 to 9). This is just a good practice to distinguish between them and is not a SAP requirement.

Though both are for automatic payments, F110 will pay only open items from vendors and customers.  F111 can also pay 'payment-requests' against GL items. 
Generally for making payments towards any expense (say tax authorities) we will not create any vendors, but we can still create payment requests by debiting the tax expense account and have this request paid by automatic payment program (F111)
F111 is also used for making payment via payment requests for treasury activities where we cannot create vendors.

by Allan Eduardo Favaron 
SAP FI Consultant

FAGLL03 - FBL3N - FBL5N (Comparações)

What the difference between FAGLL03 and FBL3N?
1. The difference between FAGLL03 and FBL3N is that in FAGLL03, you can view both entry and general ledger view which is not possible in FBL3N

2. For accounts that are managed on open item basis the two views shows different results, in FAGLL03 you can view the document splitting for that account where as it is not possible in FBL3N

3. It is possible to call line item display for accounts for which line item display is not selected in the master.
With NEW GL, SAP allows FAGLFLEXA table to be used for line item display. FBL3N picks data from BSIS and BSAS. The data is better refined in case of FAGLL03
FAGLB03 is the New t-code in ECC 6.0 Version once you activate the New G/L you will get reports on this t-code.  This is particular for ledger view line item display.
FBL3N  This is the G/L A/C Line item display 


Why in transaction FBL3N the layout customer is not exist? 
FBL3N layout is only to view General ledger transactions. For viewing customer/vendor related transactions use FBL5N and FBL1N respectively. 
These tcodes will give you option to select customer and vendor.
If you require Cust/Vendor A\c in FBL3N, you need to do this:
IMG > Financial Accounting > General Ledger Accounting > G/L Accounts > Line Item Display > Define Special Fields for Finding and Sorting Data > Define BSEG & KUNNR table and field name respectively. 


Tables used by FBL3N and FBL5N 
The tables used by Tcode FBL3N and FBL5N are: 

FBL5N for customer line items will use BSID and BSAD (for open items and cleared items respectively). 

FBL3N for G/L line items will use BSIS and BSAS (for open items and cleared items respectively).
When you post a document on a customer, the amount you post on this customer is reflected in the reconciliation account as well, but you may or may not see this in FBL3N. Please check the "Line item display" indicator under control data in FS03 for your recon account. If this field is checked, only then you will be able to see the line items in FBL3N.
Usually for recon accounts, this field is not checked.

by Allan Eduardo Favaron
SAP FI Consultant

Financial Statement Closing (Encerramento das demonstrações financeiras)

1. Maintain Financial Statement Versions
IMG -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger Accounting -> Business Transactions -> Closing -> Documenting -> Define Financial Statement Versions - OB58

2. Execute a Balance Sheet (RFBILA00
Information Systems -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General ledger -> Information System-> Balance Sheet
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger -> Information system -> General LedgerReports -> Balance Sheet/Profit and Loss Statement/Cash Flow -> General -> Actual/Actual Comparisons -> Balance Sheet/P+L - F.01

3. Execute a Balance Sheet Drill Down Report 
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger -> Information system -> General LedgerReports -> Balance Sheet/Profit and Loss Statement/Cash Flow -> General - Various

4. Execute a Cost-of-Sales Profit and Loss Report 
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> Special Purpose Ledger -> Tools -> Report Painter -> Report -> Display -> Library 0F1, Report 0F-GUV1 -> Display -> Execute - GRR3

by Allan Eduardo Favaron
SAP FI Consultant

Profit and Loss Closing - Tcodes (Lucros e Perdas)

1. Capital Investment Projects – Settle Order to AUC 
Accounting -> Investment management -> Internal orders -> Period-end closing -> Single functions -> Settlement ->…  Various

 2. Capital Investment Projects – Settle AUC to asset in service 
Accounting -> Investment management -> Fixed assets -> Postings  -> Cap. asset u. const. -> Settle  AIBU

 3. PP/CO Period-End Closing 
Logistics -> Production -> Production Control -> Period-end closing ->…

Accounting -> Controlling -> Product Cost Controlling -> Cost Object Controlling -> Product Cost by Order -> Period-End Closing -> Single Functions ->…  Various
 4. Internal Order Period-End Closing 
Accounting -> Controlling -> Internal Orders -> Period-end closing -> Single functions ->…  Various

 5. Cost Center Accounting Period-End Closing 
Accounting -> Controlling -> Cost Center Accounting -> Period-end closing -> Single functions ->…  Various

 6. Profitability Analysis Period-End Closing 
Accounting -> Controlling -> Profitability Analysis -> Actual Postings -> Cost Center Costs/Process Costs ->…  KEU5, KEG5, CPAE

 7. Lock Controlling Transactions 
Accounting -> Controlling -> Cost Center Accounting -> Environment -> Period lock -> Change  OKP1

 8. Reconciliation Ledger 
Accounting -> Controlling -> Cost Element Accounting -> Actual postings -> Reconciliation withFI  KALC

 9. Reconciliation Ledger Follow Up Postings 
Accounting -> Controlling -> Cost Element Accounting -> Environment -> Reconciliation ledger -> Follow up posting  KAL1

10. Reconciliation Ledger Configuration 
IMG -> Controlling -> Overhead Cost Controlling -> Cost and Revenue Element Accounting -> Reconciliation Ledger  Various

11. Post payroll information to accounting
Human Resources -> Payroll -> (Country-specific)  PC00_ M99_ CIPE

12. Configure Payroll for posting to accounting 
IMG -> Payroll -> Payroll: (country-specific)  Various Customizing Technical, Organizational and Documentary  Steps

13. Define fiscal year variants 
IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Fiscal Year -> Maintain Fiscal Year Variant (Maintain Shortened Fisc. Year)  OB29

14. Allocate fiscal year variant to a company code 
IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Fiscal Year -> Assign Company Code to a Fiscal Year Variant  OB37

15. Define Variants for Open Posting Periods
IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Document -> Posting Periods -> Define Variants for Open Posting Periods  OBBO

16. Allocate Posting Period Variant to Company Code
IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Document -> Posting Periods -> Assign Variants to Company Code  OBBP

17. Open and Close Posting Periods 
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger  -> Environment -> Current settings -> Open and Close Posting Periods  OB52

18. Carry Forward Balance to New Fiscal Year 
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger -> Periodic processing -> Closing -> Carry Forward -> Balances  F.16

19. Define Retained Earning account 
IMG -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger Accounting -> Business Transactions -> Closing -> Carrying Forward -> Define Retained Rarnings Account  OB53

20. Schedule Manager 
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger -> Periodic processing -> Schedule Manager  SCMA

21. Subsequent Business Area/Profit Center Adjustment – Calculate 
Accounting -> Financial accounting  -> General ledger -> Periodic processing -> Closing -> Regroup -> Balance Sheet Readjustment -> Calculate  F.5D 

22. Subsequent Business Area/Profit Center Adjustment – Post 
Accounting -> Financial accounting  -> General ledger -> Periodic processing -> Closing -> Regroup -> Balance Sheet Readjustment -> Post  F.5E

23. Transfer B/S Items to Profit Center Accounting 
Accounting -> Enterprise Controlling -> Profit Center Accounting -> Actual Postings -> Period-End Closing -> Transfer Payables/Receivables  1KEK

24. PCA Balance Carried Forward 
Accounting -> Enterprise Controlling -> Profit Center Accounting -> Actual Postings -> Period-End Closing -> Carrying Forward of Balances  2KES

25. Profit and Loss Adjustment 
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger -> Periodic processing -> Closing -> Regroup -> Profit and Loss Adjustment  F.50

26. Run Compact Document Journal 
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger -> Information system -> General Ledger Reports -> Document -> General -> Compact Document Journal 

27. Create Balance Audit Work Files 
IMG -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger Accounting -> Business Transactions -> Closing -> Documenting -> Define Accumulated Work Files for Balance Audit Trail  OBBQ

28. Run Monthly Balance Audit Trail for Open Item Accounts
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger -> Periodic processing -> Closing -> Document -> Balance audit trail -> Open item accounts -> Open Item Account Balance Audit Trail from the Document File 

29. Run Monthly Balance Audit Trail for Other Accounts
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger -> Periodic processing -> Closing -> Document -> Balance audit trail -> All accounts -> General Ledger from the Document File 

30. Create Extract for Accumulated Open Item Balance Audit Trail
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger -> Periodic processing -> Closing -> Document -> Balance audit trail -> Open item accounts -> From balance audit trail -> Extract for Accumulated Open Item Audit Trail 

31. Run Accumulated Open Item Balance Audit Trail
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger -> Periodic processing -> Closing -> Document -> Balance audit trail -> Open item accounts -> From balance audit trail -> Accts Detailed Listing from Open Item Account Accumulated Audit Trail 

32. Create Extract for Accumulated Balance Audit Trail for Other Accounts
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger -> Periodic processing -> Closing -> Document -> Balance audit trail -> All accounts -> From balance audit trail -> Extract for the Accumulated Historical Balance Audit Trail 

33. Run Accumulated Balance Audit Trail for Other Accounts
Accounting -> Financial accounting -> General ledger -> Periodic processing -> Closing -> Document -> Balance audit trail -> All accounts -> From balance audit trail -> Account Details from Historical Accumulated Balance Audit Trail

by Allan Eduardo Favaron
SAP FI Consultant