
terça-feira, 4 de novembro de 2014

OBA3 Define Tolerances (Fornecedores)

For this configuration, you specify the tolerances for vendors. These tolerances are used for dealing with differences in payment and residual items which can occur during payment settlement. 
Specify the tolerances under one or more tolerance groups. Allocate a tolerance group to each vendor via the master record. For each tolerance group, specify the following: 

- Tolerances up to which differences in payment are posted automatically to expense or revenue accounts when clearing open items. 

- The handling of the terms of payment for residual items, if they are to be posted during clearing.
Bear in mind that you can also define employee tolerances. When clearing, the lower limit for the customer specifications and employee group specifications are taken. 

Your task:
1. Specify the tolerances for your vendors.
2. Make sure that the required tolerances are allocated to the vendors in the master record. 

Financial Accounting / Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable / Business Transaction / Outgoing Payments / Manual Outgoing Payments / Define Tolerances (Vendors) 

As an example: My client have a rule that for each legal entity, define payment difference limit applicable. Here, difference of 10 or 5%, whichever is small being adopted. 

In summary as an example:
You define tolerance group & assign that to company code in TCode OBA3. 
Say, you define Tolerance group AR01 - $50 & 25% Tolerance Write Off is assigned to your company code 1000.
With following feature: 

Section: Permitted payment difference 
Amount    Percent    Adjust      Discount By
Gain        50.00       25.0 %      0.00
|Loss       |50.00      |25.0 %      |0.00|  

Section: Permitted payment difference for auto write-off 
            Amount     Percent    
Rev.       50.00      25.0 %
|Expense|50.00      |25.0 %| 
Active indicator for Payment Term from Invoice.  

To use this tolerance group. 
Maintain Tolerance group in Payment Transaction tab of Company Code data of Customer Master (XD02).

by Allan Eduardo Favaron
SAP FI Consultant

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